Every car accident has the potential to be traumatic and stressful; that is the nature of sudden and intense disruptions to our daily routines. As a result, car accidents are never fun, but they are at least less of a headache than they potentially can be when the usual process is followed. Hit-and-run accidents, then, resemble the most stressful form of a car accident, when the other party leaves entirely from the scene of the accident. Not only must you now deal with the property damage and possibly even bodily damage you may have sustained, but you must do so with the added difficulty of not having the other party’s help, and in this case typically the other party is responsible for the accident. Please read this article until the end to learn what you should do in the unfortunate scenario when you have been in a hit-and-run accident. To get the best possible legal guidance, remember that you can always call a San Mateo County hit-and-run accident lawyer.
What Kinds of Hit-and-Run Accidents Are Most Common?
There are two ways that hit-and-run accidents typically happen, and these examples are quite different from one another. In the first possibility, the hit-and-run driver may flee the scene immediately after the accident occurs. This means you won’t have time to write down their name or license plate number. In another possibility, the driver may stay after the accident but refuse to give you their information when you request.
What Is the Best Thing I Can Do After A Hit-and-Run?
Regardless of how the hit-and-run occurs, you should take specific steps to ensure you are in the best position to get the highest possible compensation.
First of all, stay calm. As we’ve discussed, car accidents can be stressful, and hit-and-run accidents particularly so. Try to keep a cool head as best as you can under the circumstances.
Get medical attention ASAP. Your first concern should be getting medical attention as soon as possible. You may have to leave the scene in an ambulance, but if that’s what is best for your health then it is important to do so. For claim purposes, later on, having medical records of your injury in the accident may also be helpful. If you don’t need to leave in an ambulance, you should still make an appointment with your doctor quickly. You may not think you were hurt, but doctors are trained to detect difficult-to-notice injuries. Some serious injuries, like concussions, may not become obvious until long after they take place. The adrenaline just after an accident can also work to hide the extent of your injuries from you.
Start keeping notes. On the other hand, if you aren’t hurt, you can start keeping notes for your case now. You may want to jot down what happened, what the other motorist looked like, and what the vehicle looked like.
Contact the police and a lawyer. Calling the police is very important in a hit-and-run, as it will be perhaps the clearest and most direct evidence that you were hit by another motorist. Calling an attorney should also be one of the first things you do, as your hit-and-run accident lawyer will have dealt with many such cases and thus be able to understand what your case needs to be successful.