San Mateo County, California Reckless Driving Accident Lawyer

In today’s day and age, everyone is in a rush, and it seems as though the road has never been a more hostile place to be. That said, as motorists, it is our job to remain calm and always drive in accordance with the law. Though many of us are guilty of violating these rules and regulations at one point or another, some people will blatantly and flagrantly disregard these laws regularly. These are the most dangerous drivers on the road. If you were hurt in a crash caused by a reckless driver, please contact a San Mateo County reckless driving accident lawyer from the Law Offices of Allister R. Liao to learn more about how we can help.

Reckless Driving Accident Lawyer | Here to Fight for You

An act of reckless driving can permanently alter the course of an innocent, rule-abiding person’s life. If you were simply driving to your destination and were struck by a reckless driver, you can turn to a San Mateo County, California motor vehicle accident lawyer from our firm for assistance. We’re here to assess your case and fight for maximum compensation on your behalf.

Examples of Reckless Driving

Under California law, reckless driving is loosely defined as willfully driving without regard for the safety of others. Just some of the most common examples of reckless driving that we see are as follows:

  • Exceeding the speed limit by a significant amount
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Running stop lights or signs
  • Making illegal U-turns on highways or on exit ramps
  • Driving on the shoulder of the road, or off the road altogether
  • Improper passing
  • Excessive lane changing, known as “weaving” (especially when done at high speeds)
  • Unlawfully passing school buses
  • Texting while driving

Any and all of these actions can be considered reckless. If you were hurt by someone who was doing any of the aforementioned at the time of your accident, there’s a strong chance you’ll be entitled to compensation, but we’ll first need to satisfy the burden of proof via a personal injury claim.

Proving Your Claim

To win compensation in a personal injury claim against a reckless driver, we’ll need to collect and present evidence that proves you were hurt as a direct result of the other driver’s negligence. Just some of the most valuable evidence when it comes to reckless driving accident claims are as follows:

  • The police report regarding the accident
  • If alcohol was involved, the other driver’s breathalyzer test results
  • Medical documentation/bills regarding your injuries
  • Pictures or videos of the accident
  • Witness testimony
  • Any proof of the individual violating the rules and regulations of the law prior to/during your crash
  • Any other type of evidence relevant to your case

California Personal Injury Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for most personal injury claims in California is two years but can be reduced to as few as six months. The best policy is to simply speak with a personal injury attorney as soon after the date your accident happened as you can. If the statute of limitations expires, you’ll likely permanently lose your right to sue.

Contact a Reckless Driving Accident Lawyer

Accident victims here in California can turn to a competent reckless driving accident lawyer from the Law Offices of Allister R. Liao to fight for the full and fair compensation to which they are entitled. If you’ve been a victim of negligence or someone else’s reckless action, you can turn to us for help. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation with our firm.

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