Holidays always result in an increase in travel and therefore traffic. Labor Day is one of the deadliest times to be on the road. Traffic can be a nightmare and people may participate in drunk driving, whether purposefully or without realizing it. It is important to understand how and why Labor Day can be so dangerous and how you can prevent accidents and deaths during the summer holidays. For assistance during your personal injury case and additional information, reach out to a San Mateo County, California motor vehicle accident lawyer today.
Labor Day
Labor Day is a United States holiday celebrated annually on the first Monday in September. It was created to honor and recognize the social and economic achievements of American workers, showing respect for the American labor movement. Labor Day is often one of the busiest holidays in the warmer months and is largely recognized as the official end of summer.
What Makes Labor Day Dangerous for Drivers?
Although you may not realize it, Labor Day and the weekend preceding it are among the deadliest times for U.S. drivers. Many Americans celebrate Labor Day with parades and parties, contributing to higher amounts of traffic and intoxicated driving. Summer holidays tend to have the highest number of fatality rates in the United States.
In 2021 more than 500 people were killed in traffic accidents over the Labor Day holiday period. Drunk driving caused about 41% of those fatalities. These deaths were preventable and many accidents in the upcoming Labor Day weekend will be preventable as well. According to data from Jerry, a car insurance saving app, Labor Day weekend is one of the deadliest holidays in the United States, second only to Thanksgiving Day. Over a 10-year period more than 4,000 people were killed in traffic accidents from Friday evening to Tuesday morning each Labor Day weekend.
How Can I Avoid Labor Day Car Accidents?
It is important to be aware of the potential dangers when driving on a holiday weekend and understand how you can mitigate risk.
- Do not drink and drive. You should never drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and it is especially important to drive sober during the high-traffic holiday weekend. Alcohol and drugs impair an individual’s ability to think rationally, diminish reaction times, and cause people to engage in reckless behavior.
- Avoid traveling during peak traffic times. If you can get on the road earlier you should to evade rush hour traffic and potential accidents. Traveling before 7 am or after 6 pm can help you avoid the masses.
- Abide by all traffic laws. Ensure everyone in your vehicle is wearing a seatbelt, travel at the posted speed limit, do not make illegal turns, use your blinkers, and generally follow the rules of the road to limit accidents.
- Do not engage in distracted driving. Texting, talking on the phone, eating, drinking, using your GPS, changing the song, and even turning to speak to passengers in the car can result in you taking your eyes off the road and causing an accident.
Follow the above safety precautions and more to ensure you do not endanger yourself or others this summer. Speak to an attorney for legal advice and representation.