Even minor car accidents can result in pain and injury for the drivers and passengers involved. Although it may feel more annoying than it is worth, seeing a doctor is a vital step after being involved in a car accident. For legal representation during your claim or lawsuit contact a San Mateo County, California car accident lawyer.
Why is Going to the Doctor After a Car Accident Important?
Your health is paramount so it is crucial that you see a doctor after being involved in a car accident. Whether it feels like an inconvenience or you aren’t experiencing any pain, many people will find any excuse to avoid the doctor after a crash. However, this is not wise.
You may not realize you are injured right away so seeking treatment from a doctor can help you identify issues sooner rather than later. If the accident was caused by another driver or person you also likely plan to pursue legal action by filing a claim or lawsuit. To prove liability, show how the accident has impacted you, and receive compensation to cover your costs, you need to have a record of the medical treatments and diagnoses you have been given.
Additionally, seeing a doctor can help with your insurance claim. Your insurance provider will check if you sought medical attention in a certain time frame. Doing so can expedite the process.
Do I Still Need to See a Doctor If I Feel Fine?
It is recommended that you get evaluated by a medical professional after an accident no matter what. Even if you feel 100% fine, you should still make your way to a doctor or hospital.
Your body is designed to protect itself in emergencies. When you are involved in a traumatic or painful accident, your body releases adrenaline and endorphins to help deal with the situation. During and after the accident you might feel fine or even better than ever. However, these hormones can mask pain, making it difficult to tell if you are injured.
You also may be in shock after the accident. When you are struck unexpectedly you could experience a period of blackout or paralysis. Your shock can dull your senses and numb pain, preventing you from understanding the full extent of your injuries.
The adrenaline and shock will eventually wear off, whether it takes a few hours or several days. Once your body returns to normal you may experience the pain of a hidden injury. It is important to get checked out as soon as possible so a medical professional can identify any issues you may be unaware of and treat them before more damage is done.
Consult with a CA Injury Attorney
Filing legal action against another driver after an accident can be daunting and overwhelming. You may not be aware of the steps and paperwork required to submit a claim and prove liability. Work with an experienced personal injury attorney for skilled advice and knowledgeable representation.