When the snow melts away and the sun comes out, more people brave the outdoors. Walkers, joggers, and the like become prevalent in towns and cities. Pedestrians face various hazards while navigating streets and sidewalks. A major concern for walkers is the alarming increase in vehicle and pedestrian accidents. By understanding the common causes of fatal pedestrian accidents, both drivers and walkers can take safety precautions in an effort to prevent avoidable tragedies on the road. If you or a loved one have been impacted, contact a San Mateo County, California pedestrian accident lawyer today to discuss your legal options and acquire representation.
What Are Some of the Main Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?
While any combination of actions or inactions can result in a pedestrian accident, some of the most common causes that can lead to a fatality include the following.
- Distracted driving: Texting, calling, eating, and more all contribute to distracted driving. This is one of the leading causes of fatal pedestrian accidents. When a driver takes their attention away from the road for even a moment, they can fail to see hazards like pedestrians on the road and cause an accident.
- Speeding: Excessive speeding can also contribute to fatal pedestrian accidents. The faster a car is traveling the less time the driver has to react to unexpected dangers. The speed at which a person is struck can also impact the extent of their injuries.
- Failure to yield: When drivers fail to yield the right of way at a crosswalk it can cause an accident. Similarly, if the driver has a green light and the pedestrian does not, walking out into the street unexpectedly can result in a collision.
- Driving under the influence: The use of drugs and alcohol can be a contributing factor in pedestrian fatalities. Intoxication limits drivers’ judgment, reaction time, and motor skills. Drunk or high drivers are more likely to cause a pedestrian accident than sober drivers.
- Poor visibility: When the driver’s visibility is low an accident is more likely to occur. Visibility can be affected by darkness, rain, snow, fog, etc. When pedestrians are walking in these conditions or with dark clothing on, an accident could easily occur.
- Disregarding road rules: If a driver ignores a red light or stop sign or makes an illegal U-turn, accidents are more likely to happen. Additionally, when pedestrians cross the street illegally or behave recklessly in the road, a collision may occur. Any disregard of the rules of the road may lead to a fatal accident.
How Can I Avoid a Pedestrian Accident?
Both pedestrians and drivers can take action to help prevent accidents and deaths on the road. Consider the following.
- Stay alert when driving and scan the road for people and other hazards
- Look both ways before crossing the street
- Use designated crosswalks
- Obey traffic signals
- Slow down while driving, especially in residential areas
- Wear bright or reflective clothing when walking
By following the above safety precautions pedestrians and drivers can both contribute to safer roads and avoid unnecessary fatalities caused by pedestrian accidents.